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Monthly Newsletter
of the
Southwest Division
Ohio Chapter, Western Section,
International Association of Electrical Inspectors
May 13th, 2020

Greetings Friends,

I hope this newsletter finds everyone doing well and staying away from any sickness. Our Division has made efforts to try something new with education and had our first monthly meeting virtually using the Zoom Meeting app. In May, your executive board decided to move forward with our monthly Divisional meeting with an educational offering as normal, just not in person. The executive board takes our commitment seriously to our membership and decided not to cancel our May meeting but instead, host it virtually. While we are moving through some technology challenges we are not letting this hold us down. I hope everyone understands this is not the preferred method for us, just an alternative one. It’s very important to us to still have our monthly meetings and provide our members the educational benefits they may need, until we can meet again in person in Monroe.  

Until this pandemic and the powers to be can allow us to host our meeting again in person we will continue to use this virtual option currently. We will notify you ASAP once we can meet at the Library Community Room in Monroe. For now, please join us with the next virtual offering.  


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