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From the Desk of Dewayne Jenkins, Chair.
We had an outstanding 11 applications this year for the tool bag award scholarship with 10 awards annually allocated. The Board of Directors graciously approved the extra award, so all 11 students will receive an award this year.
A sincere thanks goes out to these SW Division members and partners in electrical safety.
2018 SW Division IAEI Tool Bag Award Recipients
Greene County Career Technical Center: $250.00 per each student
Gregory F. Hensley
Jillian D. Tedrick
Dyllon L. Vonhoose
Ralph C. Younker
Miami Valley Career Technical Center: $250.00 per each student
Colton J. Frances
Aaron C. Scholl
Lee E. Townsel II
Luke D. Wilson
Warren County Career Center: $250.00 per each student
Andrew M. Gabbard
Jackson F. McDonald
Nathan C. Schwartz
Thanks again,
Dewayne Jenkins
Chairman, Tool Bag Awards
Partnering in electrical safety in your community.
I can be contacted by phone at 937.296.2419 or by E-mail at