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The SW Division IAEI consists of a diverse membership representing major stakeholders in the local electrical industry.
19 southwest Ohio counties form the SW Division IAEI. These counties are well represented by local electrical contractors, inspectors, plans examiners and engineers. Utility representation includes Duke Energy, DP&L, and Butler Rural. Testing lab representation includes UL and ETL. The talent present at our monthly meetings is significant and beneficial to all who attend.
The SW Division meets the second Wednesday of each month from 9:30 AM until 12:00PM in the Monroe Community Center Room at the Monroe, Ohio Library. Each meeting (with the exception of the July Annual Luncheon Meeting) provides 2 hours of training. This training is recognized as suitable for Ohio Board of Building Standards certifications, Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board certifications, and beginning in 2010, state of Kentucky certifications. Each Fall the SW Division also provides a certified 30-hour NEC refresher course.
Our educational efforts not only provide affordable education for the local electrical industry, they also fund an extensive technical library, a scholarship program and an electrical trades program. Each year the SW Division awards 5 needs based $1000.00 scholarships and makes available 10 needs based $250.00 “tool bag awards”. Scholarships are available to the sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of SW Division members in good standing. Tool bag awards are available to qualifying vocational school students. (No IAEI affiliation is required for a vocational school student to win a tool bag award.)
Please accept my personal invitation to join us in promoting electrical safety. Come visit a meeting…you will be glad you did!
See you at the next meeting!
Gaylord Poe
Past -President
According to the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 3783, “The "practice of electrical inspection" includes any ascertainment of compliance with the Ohio building code, or the electrical code of a political subdivision of this state by a person, who, for compensation, inspects the construction and installation of electrical conductors, fittings, devices, and fixtures for light, heat or power services equipment, or the installation, alteration, replacement, maintenance, or repair of any electrical wiring and equipment that is subject to any of the aforementioned codes.” (Emphasis added)
One can see that the definition of the “practice of electrical inspection” includes two basic activities:
Ascertaining compliance with the approved construction documents.
Inspecting the construction and installation of electrical conductors, fittings, devices, and fixtures for light, heat or power services equipment, or the installation, alteration, replacement, maintenance, or repair of any electrical wiring and equipment that is subject to the Ohio building code.
This definition is what sets apart the ESI from other building construction disciplines.
Our monthly meetings include a business meeting, discussion of installations that we see in the field on a daily basis, and technical reviews of installation techniques, all to help assure consistent, safe, code compliant installations, and of course, a 2-hour subject-specific training session providing recertification credits for BBS, OCILB, and Kentucky certifications.
Although the NEC is revised on a regular basis, the basics of electrical safety have always followed a common path…to seek to reduce the likelihood of shock and fire hazards by sound installation practices. The SW Division brings together member electricians, electrical contractors, engineers, plans examiners, electrical inspectors and vendors from 19 southwest Ohio counties.
Regardless of our individual roles in the electrical industry, we all contribute to improving electrical safety. We learn from technical instruction and printed material. We also learn from each other. We learn together.
We encourage you to attend our monthly meetings and feel free to participate in the process.
Gaylord Poe, Past-President